Mailbag: Ilya Bryzgalov
Ilya Bryzgalov is one of the more unique personalities in all of sports. Known for his existential thinking and penchant for saying whatever is on his mind, Bryz is the kind of guy you’d love to grab lunch with.
So … we did just that.
Equipped with nothing more than an out-of-warranty iPhone and a few reader questions, we met up with Bryz at a Mediterranean restaurant (his choice) near his home in New Jersey for a no-nonsense Q and A. We recommend sticking around to get his take on whether or not a hot dog is a sandwich. We also recommend the hummus … it was pretty good.
Bryz, which one of your teammates did the best impression of you?-u/Borrum
Would you ever consider getting into broadcasting, or documentary narration? Your personality and delivery would be perfect for it.-u/Jon_Cake
If you could change one rule in hockey, what would it be and what would you change it to?
Do you think Russian players are sometimes treated unfairly because of negative stereotypes about Russians in hockey?
What do you think of Vegas hockey Bryz?
Hey Bryz, I’m a big fan! How is your dog doing these days?
-Rob T.
How much of your success in the NHL do you attribute to Dave Tippett? He seems to have a knack for getting the most out of his goaltenders.
Do you mind if I call you the Bryzzlybear? Because that’s what I always called you when you played for us in Minnesota…. With your fear of Bears I hope you don’t mind.
What is your favorite planet?
I play Men’s League in the Voorhees, NJ rink where the Flyers practice – you know the place. Will you be our goalie? Weeknights. Free beer at Ott’s Tavern after the game.
What has been the best game you’ve ever played? Any memories from specific games?
Bryz, are you having more fun coaching your son, or do you wish you were back playing in the NHL? Miss you out here is Anaheim btw.
-David S.
hello ilya
why u heff to be mad?
Hey Bryz, is a hot dog a sandwich?
-Mark S.