The Chirp: Super Bowl Edition
The New England Patriots defeated the Seattle Seahawks 28-24 in dramatic fashion to win Super Bowl XLIX, giving Tom Brady his fourth Super Bowl Ring. This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes shared on social media in reaction to the big game and the rest of the festivities in Arizona:
Giants cornerback Prince Amukamara on why he’s watching:
I'm only watching the Super Bowl so I don't get fined.
— Prince Amukamara (@PrinceAmukamara) February 2, 2015
UFC fighter and former WWE superstar CM Punkhas other plans:
I am the only person in the world, in the middle of a full blown blizzard, watching 'Chinatown' and not the Super Bowl.
— player/coach (@CMPunk) February 1, 2015
Texans cornerback Charles James on Chris Matthews’s breakout:
You got signed late @OBJ_3 ???? pic.twitter.com/pFkqwbmhjw
— Charles James II (@CJDeuce_) February 2, 2015
Dodgers pitcher Brandon McCarthyon touchscreens:
I'd pay to see hidden camera footage of all the times Belichick has tried to use his #2 pencil on a Surface tablet
— Brandon McCarthy (@BMcCarthy32) February 1, 2015
Poker star Phil Ivey on keeping them honest:
Just checking. https://t.co/Z5e6MF2MKm
— Phil Ivey (@philivey) February 2, 2015
Athletics pitcher Sean Doolittle playing it safe on predictions:
2nd half supper bowl prediction: I finish the rest of the nachos before the 4th quarter — Sean Doolittle (@whatwouldDOOdo) February 2, 2015
Brandon McCarthy and more on the Commercials:
.@GEICO you have 20 seconds to give me a commercial or I'm canceling all my insurance
— Brandon McCarthy (@BMcCarthy32) February 1, 2015
if I don't get at least one papa john's commercial today where Peyton has his jersey tucked into his jeans I will scream
— Brandon McCarthy (@BMcCarthy32) February 1, 2015
Could have went my whole life without seeing that Kim Kardashian commercial
— Josh Reddick (@RealJoshReddick) February 2, 2015
Is it me or was that #KimK commercial just... Never mind games back on...?
— Joique Bell (@JoiqueBell) February 2, 2015
I think T Mobile shouldn’t be allowed to run commercials anymore. #Brutal
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) February 2, 2015
I feel like T Mobile doesn't have $4 million to waste like that.
— Brett Anderson (@_BAnderson30_) February 2, 2015
Vin Diesel has ridiculous cars but still lives in the shack, yeah ok Furious 7.
— Brett Anderson (@_BAnderson30_) February 2, 2015
When Alex is 15, he’s going to ask me to drive him to “Fast and the Furious 28”
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) February 2, 2015
Wow.... The Slap looks like the worst show I will never see....
— Cody Decker (@Decker6) February 2, 2015
"The Slap"....?????
— klay thompson (@KlayThompson) February 2, 2015
Loved the Benz commercial. Turtle got a boss ride and the hare's girl. ????
— shannon sharpe (@ShannonSharpe) February 2, 2015
Damn nationwide. Mood killer WTF
— Baron Davis (@BaronDavis) February 2, 2015
Year of the sad as hell Super Bowl commercials.
— Brett Anderson (@_BAnderson30_) February 2, 2015
Why do all these commercials try and make us sad? -My Daughter
— Darius Butler (@DariusJButler) February 2, 2015
hopefully we get a Sarah McLachlan commercial during this break to get our moods back up
— Brandon McCarthy (@BMcCarthy32) February 2, 2015
Human Pac Man needs to happen ASAP.. #SuperBowl49
— Pat McAfee (@PatMcAfeeShow) February 2, 2015
Padres minor league first baseman Cody Deckerand more on the Halftime Show:
This halftime show brought to you by Motion Sickness...
— Cody Decker (@Decker6) February 2, 2015
Katy Perry came out looking like Will Ferrell in Blades of Glory pic.twitter.com/tslz3KYGd7
— Keenan Robinson (@KeenanRobinson1) February 2, 2015
#KatyPerry outfit would make a good Halloween custome
— Gary Brackett (@GaryBrackett58) February 2, 2015
"Did Katy Perry just ride in on my Zord? Aw hell naw...." pic.twitter.com/AKM7jHivBV
— Anthony Castonzo (@AnthonyCastonzo) February 2, 2015
Still waiting for my agent to introduce me to@katyperrysigh. — Logan Morrison (@CupOfLoMo)February 2, 2015
My girl @katyperry is burning up the stage I wouldn't mind going to see her in person. #realtalk
— Cj Spiller (@CJSPILLER) February 2, 2015
Im confused shes singing about a the eye of a tiger but riding a big ass gold Lion? pic.twitter.com/BPdXHkUncp
— Derrick Ward (@derrickward32) February 2, 2015
Lenny Kravitz has been rockin the same nose ring since 1998 #HalftimeShow
— Matt Overton (@MattOverton_LS) February 2, 2015
? talk about coming outta no where haha I see you missy
— Tajh Boyd (@TajhB10) February 2, 2015
Ok ok!!!! Back to college MISSY Elliot!!
— Ryan Clark (@Realrclark25) February 2, 2015
Missy got this halftime show CRUNK.
— shannon sharpe (@ShannonSharpe) February 2, 2015
This like coachella booking outkast...
— andre (@andre) February 2, 2015
Missy just gave me life! Yaassssss #childhoodmemories ?????
— Swin Cash (@SwinCash) February 2, 2015
Seeing Missy Elliott & Lenny Kravitz perform makes me feel like I'm watching MTV's TRL right now. Where is Carson Daly? #HalftimeShow
— Matt Overton (@MattOverton_LS) February 2, 2015
Most entertaining halftime show ever. Period. @katyperry #SuperBowI #SB49 @nfl
— John Cena (@JohnCena) February 2, 2015
The real MVP from tonight's game. #dancingshark pic.twitter.com/jayRMjxdfd
— Josh Reddick (@RealJoshReddick) February 2, 2015
Halftime: Winners= Missy Elliott and Lenny Kravitz's chest exposure. Loser= Katy Perry's outfits.
— Brett Anderson (@_BAnderson30_) February 2, 2015
Former NBA forward Al Harrington and more on the Seahawks’ final play:
I can't move. Did that really happen? #SuperBowl
— al harrington (@cheddahcheese7) February 2, 2015
When u don't give it to ur ace in the backfield on the one yard line #shanegothis #gobears pic.twitter.com/TXlp6Rao6x
— cameron jordan (@camjordan94) February 2, 2015
I am more sad than when I saw the Nationwide commercial — Sean Doolittle (@whatwouldDOOdo)February 2, 2015
I guess nobody really listened to him when he said... Smh lol #GameChanger pic.twitter.com/7nMt4130Gq
— Chiney Ogwumike (@Chiney321) February 2, 2015
No amount of Skittles can make up for not feeding Beastmode right there — Sean Doolittle (@whatwouldDOOdo)February 2, 2015
Don't know when I would forgive Pete Carroll for not running the ball!#inshock?#whatizyaignant
— Marcellus Wiley ? (@marcelluswiley) February 2, 2015
— Phil Ivey (@philivey) February 2, 2015
Breaking news... Belichick used mind control on Bevell and made him call play. Seattle fans are livid and league is investigating Patriots.
— Derrick Mason (@deemason85) February 2, 2015
Connecticut Sun forward Chiney Ogwumike and more on the after party:
All I'm saying is that y'all better watch out for Gronk tonight! ?
— Chiney Ogwumike (@Chiney321) February 2, 2015
No one will be more turnt then gronk tonight
— rafael bush (@rbush36) February 2, 2015
Gronk might go straight to Scottsdale and rage in his uniform.
— Brett Anderson (@_BAnderson30_) February 2, 2015
Well, time to flip over to @hgtv... What's on guys?
— Justin Tucker (@jtuck9) February 2, 2015