The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Oklahoma City Thunder guard Kevin Durant dropped 44 last night in his return from a foot injury, and he’s feeling pretty good:
Happy New Year. This will be your best year yet. Own it!
— Kevin Durant (@KDTrey5) January 1, 2015
Golden State Warriors guard Klay Thompson, time traveler:
Year 2000 was 15 years ago? Sheesh
— klay thompson (@KlayThompson) January 1, 2015
NFL free agent Adam Carrikerconfirms that the future is now:
In a few hours, the year 2030 will be as far away as the year 2000. #TimeFlies #HappyNewYear
— Adam Carriker (@AdamCarriker94) December 31, 2014
Someone should check if U.S. Men’s National Team member DeAndre Yedlinis still circling that roundabout:
Had my first drive around London today.. Went well besides going around the roundabout 3 times looking for the exit. #americanproblems #COYS
— DeAndre Yedlin (@yedlinny) December 31, 2014
Former NFL player Chad Johnson is making promises that you didn’t really ask for:
I promise to wear even uglier shoes in 2015...
— Chad Johnson (@ochocinco) December 31, 2014
Pro golfer Michelle Wie shares a hug with fellow pro Christina Kim:
What an amazing this moment was!!!!!! So happy I could be a part of it @TheChristinaKim pic.twitter.com/DvhBEXTgFp
— Michelle Wie (@MichelleWieWest) December 31, 2014
Philadelphia Eagles lineman Evan Mathis shows us that knowledge can, in some cases, hurt:
I get addicted to things too easily. Kicking my crack habit. http://t.co/Burbf3eseg pic.twitter.com/Uj9u6lUKPO
— Evan Mathis (@EvanMathis69) December 31, 2014
In the new year, Washington Redskins free safety Ryan Clark is keeping it both practical and real:
I need a new hairstyle and a diet. Not resolutions but real life decisions. Lol.
— Ryan Clark (@Realrclark25) December 31, 2014
What does former NFL player Donté Stallworth have against barbers?
Happy Anniversary to my last hair cut 12 years ago today.
— Donté Stallworth (@DonteStallworth) December 31, 2014
It’s shaping up to be a frustrating year for pro baseball player Cody Decker:
When an Internet service requires a new password & that password requires a number in it, it legitimately ruins my entire day.....
— Cody Decker (@Decker6) December 31, 2014
Oakland Raiders punter Marquette King sees through your new juicing diet:
Folks gone wait until the very first day of the year to do something different? What kind of stuff is that?
— Marquette King (@MarquetteKing) December 31, 2014
Portland Trailblazers guard Damian Lillard prefers show, not tell:
Everyone have a great time bringing in the new year! And enough of these resolutions ... Just do it! We don't need to know
— Damian Lillard (@Dame_Lillard) December 31, 2014
Pro basketball player Jordan Hamilton is feeling motivational:
Here's your "clean" slate. What are you going to do with it? Stop the talk, it's time to act. Happy New Year!
— Jordan Hamilton (@J_Goin_HAM) January 1, 2015
NASCAR driver Brad Keselowski, like many Americans right now, is starting the new year from a couch:
New Years TV= AwesomelyBad
— Brad Keselowski (@keselowski) January 1, 2015
But Denver Broncos cornerback Tony Carter knows how to start it off right:
Waffle House me !!!
— Tony Carter (@tonycarter904) January 1, 2015