The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Bills wide receiver Robert Woods and more on Valentine’s Day:
Oh no it's Valentine's Day
— Robert Woods (@robertwoods) February 14, 2015
You don't have a Valentine's tomorrow, don't fret, think of the money you're saving...
— Chad Johnson (@ochocinco) February 14, 2015
Oh yeah sorry I forgot your flowers that will wilt and die, leaving the vase to become nothing but a burden...you're welcome.
— Brett Anderson (@_BAnderson30_) February 13, 2015
Guys, demand a present tomorrow. This holiday is about love between two people.#wemattertoo— Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE)February 13, 2015
50 Shades of Grey + Valentines Day + Drakes album: most of you or somebody you know will be due in November...
— Chad Johnson (@ochocinco) February 14, 2015
Will you be my Valentine ???? #BeautyShopFlow #ItsBoobieD pic.twitter.com/kUQLG05g4a
— Anthony Dixon (@Boobie24Dixon) February 13, 2015
LPGA golfer Kayla Mortellaroand Mariners 1BLogan Morrisonon Mo’ne Davis vs. Kevin Hart:
Wow! RT "@gifdsports: Mo'ne Davis hits Kevin Hart with a nasty spin move https://t.co/JufCGeMlye”
— Kayla Mortellaro (@KaylaMortellaro) February 14, 2015
Mo’ne reminds me of me.. Haha, take it to the hole and dominate! Kevin Hart left his joc on the court. — Logan Morrison (@CupOfLoMo)February 14, 2015
Raiders offensive lineman Donald Penn on learner’s permits:
Lil man on the race car game he think he nice 2yrs old & drive better than most of yall with a license lol pic.twitter.com/WOCGYe14co
— Donald Penn (@DPENN70) February 14, 2015
Giants offensive lineman Geoff Schwartz on growing up fast:
Well the baby finally had his first adult fart. My wife had to ask which one of us let it loose. #LoudNoises #ProudFather
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) February 13, 2015
Clippers swingman Jamal Crawford on confidence:
Random, but if I ever would've done the skills challenge I think I could've won..
— ? Jamal Crawford (@JCrossover) February 14, 2015
Seahawks punter Jon Ryan on small talk:
Is it Kitty-corner or Catty-corner? These are the things that me and @sarahcolonna debate at happy hour.
— Jon Ryan (@JonRyan9) February 13, 2015
Eagles cornerback Brandon Boykin is finishing on principle:
By far the nastiest smoothie I've ever had.. But I paid $5.35 for it so it's bouta get finished. pic.twitter.com/QrILPVlEob
— Brandon Boykin (@BrandonBoykin2) February 13, 2015
Lions tight end Joseph Fauria on iFrustration:
If one sends a green bubble text message and a message in a bottle across the ocean. Which is received first?? #MyMoneysOnTheBottle — Joseph Fauria (@BigJoeFauria) February 13, 2015
Women’s tennis player Sofia Arvidsson on dumb questions:
Walking into a store where you only can buy sunglasses.The girl goes:
— Sofia Arvidsson (@Sofia_Arvidsson) February 13, 2015
-Looking for anything special today....?
(yeah shoes...?)?
Bears offensive lineman Kyle Long on dogspotting:
My dog is the one that isn’t camoflauge pic.twitter.com/xbEOoehJid — Kyle (@Ky1eLong) February 14, 2015
Colts long snapper Matt Overton on manly choices:
Its acceptable to see #50ShadesOfGrey if your wife/serious lady drags you to it. Any dude going solo might have to be reported to the police
— Matt Overton (@MattOverton_LS) February 14, 2015
Dodgers pitcher Brett Anderson on color schemes:
Side note: the University of Minnesota might have the ugliest colors in sports.
— Brett Anderson (@_BAnderson30_) February 14, 2015