The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
49ers offensive lineman Jonathan Martin is fleeing:
It’s been real East Coast… But my ass is heading back to Cali sunshine & 75 degree weather — Jonathan A. Martin (@J_Martin71) February 19, 2015
Clippers center Ekpe Udoh just couldn’t take it:
Jus had to walk out of 50 Shades Of Grey!!! Soooooo weird
— Ekpe Udoh (@EkpeUdoh) February 19, 2015
Pro snowboarder and skateboarder Shaun White on riding in style:
#fuckinsteve @_MayorB pic.twitter.com/RSPGa8luKq
— Shaun White (@shaunwhite) February 18, 2015
Dodgers pitcher Brett Andersonon the downside of pro sports:
Woke up at 5:45 so I could come to the field and "turn and cough"...sports are great.
— Brett Anderson (@_BAnderson30_) February 19, 2015
Lions tight end Joseph Fauria doesn’t get preferential treatment:
DMV Line is the first line I’ve waited in since the 3rd grade. #BigJoeDontWaitInLines pic.twitter.com/YWsvnVnuHW — Joseph Fauria (@BigJoeFauria) February 18, 2015
Former NFL wide receiver Chad Johnson on tough sacrifices:
I gave up buying shoes for Lent...
— Chad Johnson (@ochocinco) February 18, 2015
Women’s tennis player Victoria Azarenkaon Socks for Dummies:
Someone asked me today if I need some help with learning left and right side ??? #IObviouslyGotIt #ImDifferent pic.twitter.com/oCtwbduCet
— victoria azarenka (@vika7) February 18, 2015
Ravens offensive lineman Kelechi Osemeleon shattered dreams:
Twitter Confession: When I was a kid I wanted to be an astronaut. Then I took Calculus...and I was like nah son ??
— Kelechi Osemele (@KOseven0) February 18, 2015
Former cyclist Lance Armstrongmaaaay havehit the Uber jackpot:
Holy shit! This night just got A LOT better. The #GOAT is giving us a lift in NYC. pic.twitter.com/QnCYY2Gh2L
— Lance Armstrong (@lancearmstrong) February 19, 2015
Colts offensive lineman Anthony Castonzoon dream snacks:
As far as cube-shaped foods go, a good cube of cheddar cheese is hard to beat. If only I had pepperoni to wrap it in. <<drools onto table>>
— Anthony Castonzo (@AnthonyCastonzo) February 18, 2015
Giants cornerback Prince Amukamaraon forgetting:
One of the biggest lies I tell myself is that "I'll remember it later"
— Prince Amukamara (@PrinceAmukamara) February 19, 2015
Pacers guard C.J. Milessharing an early GIF of the Year candidate:
“@OMGFunniest_: Meet the #NinjaBaby http://t.co/nt6Hlp7P2M” now this is a tweet lol
— C.J. Miles (@masfresco) February 18, 2015