The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Ravens running back Bernard Pierce and more on snow days:
Yo this snow is like that Ex that doesn’t understand that “I’m done” means exactly that… Please stop sticking around — Bernard Pierce (@BPierce_30) February 21, 2015
It snowed/iced about 6 days ago. I still have ice in the yard. I don't like this. I live in the south to avoid this stuff.
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) February 21, 2015
Uber needs to add Snow Trucks to their company I would use them right now to go pick up some lemon pepper wings lol #HungryAndSnowedInTweet
— Justin Forsett (@JForsett) February 21, 2015
…and Bears kickerJay Feely trolling them all:
Another rough day of weather here in Phoenix. pic.twitter.com/xdcwTypGcf
— Jay Feely (@jayfeely) February 21, 2015
Giants offensive lineman Justin Pugh on the meaning of life:
I live for the epic naps
— Justin Pugh (@JustinPugh) February 21, 2015
Padres first baseman Cody Decker on sick tats:
I don't know... Greatest tattoo I've ever seen?..... pic.twitter.com/HyF7tmR5Zp
— Cody Decker (@Decker6) February 22, 2015
Rams defensive end Chris Long on panhandlers:
Hate when someone walks up to you on the street and says “can I talk to you for a second?” Skepticism level goes to 1000 automatically. — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 21, 2015
A dude asked me for money for food at the drive through the other day. I offered to walk him inside and buy him a meal. He declined. — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 21, 2015
Seattle Storm guard Renee Montgomery on dream pets:
If I had a pet bird, it would be this guy right here https://t.co/csx6hgqsT2 ??
— Renee Montgomery (@itsreneem_) February 21, 2015
Former MLB slugger Jose Canseco on pet paint:
Like Juiced's new 'do ? @ModelLeila pic.twitter.com/huyqtypDfv
— Jose Canseco (@JoseCanseco) February 21, 2015
…and addressing any concerns we might have:
It's pet safe nail polish idiots
— Jose Canseco (@JoseCanseco) February 21, 2015
Chiefs tight end Travis Kelceon dancing with bulls:
Don't know how I got into this situation, so don't ask... ?? #PBRKC #DanceBattle #SprintCenter #Carlton Vs #SkimMilk pic.twitter.com/ACmuSvpdYl
— Travis Kelce (@tkelce) February 22, 2015
Colts long snapper Matt Overton is Chirping:
Chirp Chirp #FTK
— Matt Overton (@MattOverton_LS) February 21, 2015