The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Poker player Phil Ivey and more on Ricky Rubio‘s poor ankles:
Ankle breaker! https://t.co/sOANKsHOlG
— Phil Ivey (@philivey) February 24, 2015
Oh my, James Harden ? on Ricky Rubio! ?
— Marcellus Wiley ? (@marcelluswiley) February 24, 2015
Oh my James Harden!
— Tyrod Taylor (@TyrodTaylor) February 24, 2015
PGA golfer Ben Craneand more on UConn CB Byron Jones‘s 12’3” broad jump:
He's part grasshopper! RT @NFLonCBS: Somebody please tell Byron Jones that humans aren't supposed to jump this far. https://t.co/DB7EfZw1xh
— Ben Crane (@bencranegolf) February 23, 2015
12' 3" Broad Jump Might Be The Most Impressive Things I've Seen At The Combine!!! My Goodness Byron!
— Darius Butler (@DariusJButler) February 23, 2015
Evolution is something…..kid out here broad jumping over 12′
— Damien Woody (@damienwoody) February 23, 2015
Daytona 500 winner Joey Logano on sudden popularity:
Not sure if I'll be able to return all these text messages. But thank you so much for all the notes pic.twitter.com/QOc8bXfIEd
— Joey Logano (@joeylogano) February 23, 2015
Colts punter Pat McAfeeon crimes against humanity:
Any restaurant that serves their shrimp, in their pasta, with the hard tail still attached... Should be tried for treason.
— Pat McAfee (@PatMcAfeeShow) February 24, 2015
Redskins tight end Niles Paul respecting the game:
I have so much respect for those folks working that Liberty Tax Service job outside twirling that sign in this weather ✊?
— Niles Paul (@NilesP_) February 23, 2015
Women’s tennis player Nicole Gibbs on mulligans:
Wish I had an archive of all the tweets I’ve deleted within 10 minutes of posting… Would make for an interesting collection — Nicole Gibbs (@Gibbsyyyy) February 24, 2015
NBA D-League guard Doron Lamb on victims of winter:
Poor Ducks pic.twitter.com/5zFRI7cnRU
— Doron Lamb (@DLamb20) February 23, 2015
Bears offensive lineman Kyle Long on simple dreams:
I just wanna choke slam someone while wearing patent leather boots. Is that too much to ask? — Kyle (@Ky1eLong) February 23, 2015