The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Bills linebacker Brandon Spikes is fed up:
Smh this damn snow!! That’s it I’m booking my flight to miami right now. Charlotte I’ll be back when u warm up a bit pic.twitter.com/zkjamiylo3
— BrandonSpikes55 (@brandonspikes55) February 24, 2015
Tha beaches are waiting for me
— BrandonSpikes55 (@brandonspikes55) February 24, 2015
“@deziisdope: ?☀️ pic.twitter.com/4sA5ICEoCt” ?
— BrandonSpikes55 (@brandonspikes55) February 24, 2015
Dodgers pitcher Brandon McCarthydemands a recount:
how do I go about convincing the Academy to retroactively give Gone Baby Gone the Oscar for best film? That's a thing right?
— Brandon McCarthy (@BMcCarthy32) February 25, 2015
Rams defensive end Chris Long on a list we’d all like to see:
Can we also agree white cherry Gatorade is delicious? I may power rank Gatorade flavors.
— Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 24, 2015
Lions tight end Joseph Fauria on censorship:
I get a villainous good feeling when I delete the “first comment” or “first like” on my Instagram. Does that make me a bad person? — Joseph Fauria (@BigJoeFauria) February 25, 2015
PGA golfer Jessica Korda on #WCW:
My #wcw goes to this sexy little Thang! Always knows how to put a smile of my face ?#wieseyDynasty @themichellewie pic.twitter.com/tmECexKH9J
— Jessica Korda (@Thejessicakorda) February 25, 2015
Atlanta Dream forward Delisha Milton-Joneson going too far:
Lessons in juicing.... just because u love garlic cooked doesnt mean you will like it juiced. #fail #majorfail #StomachOnFire #BreathOnStank
— Delisha Milton-Jones (@DelishaMJones) February 25, 2015
Former NFL wide receiver Chad Johnsonon trash day:
Every Tuesday night as a grown man I shouldn't have to have a standoff w/ raccoons just to take my trash cans to the side of the road...
— Chad Johnson (@ochocinco) February 25, 2015
Cardinals defensive lineman Darnell Docketton good deeds:
Helped a old lady cross the street today and she tried to give me a tip, I said no I won't accept but I will take you on a date for Bingo!?
— DARNELL DOCKETT (@ddockett) February 24, 2015
And here’s LPGA golfer Christina Kimand Co. riding elephants and stuff:
Just another day in Thailand with @TheJanePark, terrified and feeding bananas and green beans to elephants. As you do pic.twitter.com/j3qgsdp4Aq
— Christina Kim (@TheChristinaKim) February 25, 2015
So THIS is us dolled up @themichellewie @TheJanePark? #seewhyitsdifferent pic.twitter.com/xfJNN5SYPO
— Christina Kim (@TheChristinaKim) February 25, 2015