The Chirp

This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:

Jazz center  Rudy Gobert on the Heat-Suns brawl:

Royals OF Lane Adamsand former NFL defensive lineman Mike Golicon crazy women:

NFL Hall of Famer Deion Sanderson Marshawn Lynch’s swag:

Former WNBA center Rebecca Loboon flood zones:

Former NBA player Metta World Peace on aging gracefully:

People , just because you are 35 yrs old doesn’t mean you can’t stay handsome , adorable, amazing,etc…— (@MettaWorldPeace)March 3, 2015

Giants offensive lineman Geoff Schwartzon being home:

Saints defensive end Cameron Jordanon doppelgängers:

Olympic gymnast McKayla Maroneyon being lost:

Giants wide receiver Ramses Bardenon the key to happiness: