The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Jazz center Rudy Gobert on the Heat-Suns brawl:
After this ,Hassan better have 99 in the tackle category . #2Kratinggoinup
— Rudy Gobert (@rudygobert27) March 3, 2015
Royals OF Lane Adamsand former NFL defensive lineman Mike Golicon crazy women:
#TheBachelor #WomenTellAll is a cage match. But what do you expect from a house full of women trying to find love in the span of 6 weeks.
— Lane Adams (@LA_Swiftness) March 3, 2015
I've watched a lot of dumb things..but @NDmom and I watched 10 minutes of the bachelor: women tell all..I just got so much dumber..horrific
— Mike Golic (@espngolic) March 3, 2015
NFL Hall of Famer Deion Sanderson Marshawn Lynch’s swag:
"@ESPNNFL: Marshawn Lynch's business casual is a little different than everyone else's pic.twitter.com/155jHs9W8a" Lolol. #HOP
— Deion Sanders (@DeionSanders) March 3, 2015
Former WNBA center Rebecca Loboon flood zones:
A sentence you'd rather not hear from your child : "It's raining in the basement."
— Rebecca Lobo (@RebeccaLobo) March 2, 2015
Former NBA player Metta World Peace on aging gracefully:
People , just because you are 35 yrs old doesn’t mean you can’t stay handsome , adorable, amazing,etc….pic.twitter.com/JgW8vKBxjd— MettaWorldPeace.com (@MettaWorldPeace)March 3, 2015
Giants offensive lineman Geoff Schwartzon being home:
Finally back home in Charlotte which means I just had the cat stare at me while I showered. Guess he missed me. Or he's a weirdo.
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) March 3, 2015
Saints defensive end Cameron Jordanon doppelgängers:
Clearly or nah? Am I late?or does @RondaRousey look like Julia Stiles from Save the last dance #amilate #mindblown ?? pic.twitter.com/I5oIwPe6Q2
— cameron jordan (@camjordan94) March 3, 2015
Olympic gymnast McKayla Maroneyon being lost:
is a day with no phone even a day
— mckayla (@McKaylaMaroney) March 3, 2015
Giants wide receiver Ramses Bardenon the key to happiness:
The happiest cities are those with fewer traffic lights
— Ramses Barden (@RamsesSHINES) March 3, 2015