The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Former NFL OL Mark Schlereth and more on the LeSean McCoy-for-Kiko Alonso trade:
How is Chip Kelly's spread offense gonna work if he keep spreading his offensive talent to other teams?
— mark schlereth (@markschlereth) March 4, 2015
LeSean McCoy and Desean Jackson both gone under Chip Kelly! Hmmm....
— Marcellus Wiley ? (@marcelluswiley) March 3, 2015
Any other dudes with 'sean' in their name beware!#whatizyaignant
I will never be surprised by any free agency/roster move ever since the Colts and Peyton Manning cut ties. #nobodyissafe
— Prince Amukamara (@PrinceAmukamara) March 3, 2015
The Philadelphia Ducks huh. lol
— Patrick Peterson /P2 (@P2) March 3, 2015
LaMichael James might be an Eagle by the end of the week
— Jeremiah Trotter (@JTrotter_54) March 4, 2015
Nothing surprises me in this business anymore! In total shock!
— Darren Sproles (@DarrenSproles) March 4, 2015
The way NFL deals with running backs these days makes me glad I never had the skills to tote the tater!!
— Ryan Clark (@Realrclark25) March 4, 2015
Former NBA player playing in ChinaMetta World Peaceon the Chinese shoe game:
Only Metta played pro ball with Artistic shoes. Dare to be you. pic.twitter.com/Tid0UjuxL9 — MettaWorldPeace.com (@MettaWorldPeace) March 4, 2015
UFC lightweight Mitch Clarkeon things you shouldn’t tell your friends:
Dammit, how'd I get sucked into watching "New Girl" on Netflix. This always happens
— Mitch Clarke (@MitchClarkeMMA) March 4, 2015
Eagles cornerback Brandon Boykinon cyclical trends:
LA gears is making a serious comeback.. I want my shoes to light up again.
— Brandon Boykin (@BrandonBoykin2) March 4, 2015
Blazers center Meyers Leonardon tight fits:
Next situation of the day... How cramped up I am in an airplane bathroom... Got me folded up like a dang origami lol ?✈️
— Meyers Leonard (@MeyersLeonard) March 4, 2015
Giants punter Steve Weatherfordon National Pancake Day:
You know why I'm here.... #CarbLoading ??? pic.twitter.com/vpicifw2DN
— Steve Weatherford (@Weatherford5) March 3, 2015
Bears cornerback Charles Tillmanon twins:
A woman just told me that I look just like Peanut Tillman. #itsreallyme
— Charles Tillman (@peanuttillman) March 3, 2015
Colts tight end Coby Fleeneron talking to strangers:
I like pretending to recognize people whose name I just read off their coffee cup.
— Coby Fleener (@Coby) March 3, 2015
Meyers Leonardcan’t control his flow:
Good thing there aren't any secret cameras in my car when Uptown Funk comes on the radio... Lol def feelin myself ??
— Meyers Leonard (@MeyersLeonard) March 3, 2015