The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Athletics outfielder Josh Reddick and more on #WillFerrellTakesTheField:
Couldn't help but dress up as Turd Ferguson today. Made Will Ferrell. I'm pretty much a lock for his next movie pic.twitter.com/TIHdg5X5Pu
— Josh Reddick (@RealJoshReddick) March 12, 2015
Move over @hunterpence ... I found my new favorite baseball player today lol @MLB #WillFerrellTakesTheField pic.twitter.com/BSNNCQeu73
— Matt Overton (@MattOverton_LS) March 13, 2015
Hey guys I don't know if you know this but Will Ferrell is doing baseball stuff today...just in case it isn't everywhere.
— Brett Anderson (@_BAnderson30_) March 12, 2015
Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins on Chip Kelly’s moves:
Every @Eagles fan is look like this ?... ??? pic.twitter.com/LfLLdzuPud
— Malcolm Jenkins (@MalcolmJenkins) March 12, 2015
Bills linebacker Brandon Spikes is Overly Paranoid Rob Love:
I can’t trust my iPhone, I think Siri the feds
— BrandonSpikes55 (@brandonspikes55) March 12, 2015
Rams defensive end Chris Long on hair… lots of hair:
Sup with the sweater man this is south Florida pic.twitter.com/N8V5nBCBMq — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) March 12, 2015
Former NFL safety Ryan Clark on snack discovery:
Why didn't anyone tell me about cereal bars. Found one in the airport and they killed it with this Cinnamon Toast Crunch remix
— Ryan Clark (@Realrclark25) March 12, 2015
NBA D-Leaguer Doron Lamb on bite-size snacks:
Crazy lol pic.twitter.com/oYSpVdD4zj
— Doron Lamb (@DLamb20) March 12, 2015
LPGA golfer Kristy McPherson on security:
No shoes off, no belt off, no computer out the bag. Just walk right thru in TPA airport! Most amazing thing ever! #toogoodtobetrue
— Kristy McPherson (@KRISTY2208) March 12, 2015
Former WWE Superstar Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson on motivation:
Serenading my writers to keep them in that "happy place".. #OnSet @HBO's #BALLERS #EvansHappyFace pic.twitter.com/l77aYumEGj
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) March 12, 2015
LPGA golfer Christina Kim is fed up:
Dearest iPod touch,
— Christina Kim (@TheChristinaKim) March 13, 2015
Today is not the best day to try and play hide and seek. This shit isn't cute anymore.
Patriots defensive end Rob Ninkovich‘s #TBT is better than yours:
Wow throw back from high school 70's party! #tbt pic.twitter.com/aGJXshLJO7
— Rob Ninkovich (@ninko50) March 13, 2015