The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Orioles pitcher Steve Johnson on homonymy:
Pretty sure the announcer just said that the player ran into a husky cheerleader.. Anyone else hear that?
— Steve Johnson (@SJohnson831) March 28, 2015
Texans running back Arian Fosteron auto-equality:
Auto correct just changed "gotya" into "go gays." I'm ok with that. Im rootin for the equality. #gogays
— feeno (@ArianFoster) March 27, 2015
Connecticut Sun F Chiney Ogwumike and Clippers CDeAndre Jordanon videobombs:
The tree tryna slide in @Lives2Inspire DMs... ??? pic.twitter.com/4t3Dblp1tN
— Chiney Ogwumike (@Chiney321) March 28, 2015
Smooth! “@Shalasz: . @deandrejordan6 leading the league in dunks and Macarenas! @LAClippers @LAClipperNatio1 pic.twitter.com/jvc2U6At9J”
— DeAndre Jordan ? (@DeAndre) March 28, 2015
Dolphins wide receiver Kenny Stillsneeds an internet upgrade:
trying to stream a movie. says it'll take 26 hours to download lol
— Kenny Stills (@KSTiLLS) March 28, 2015
Rams running back Isaiah Peadon what makes a good day:
Just left Popeyes and they got my order right ? today is definitely my day to win at the casino ?
— Isaiah Pead (@iPead) March 28, 2015
We’re not quite sure what Rams defensive endChris Longis up to…:
watching the big game on top of the refrigerator is cool, but then you gotta get down afterwardspic.twitter.com/5ZawvnpQpz— Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE)March 28, 2015
Broncos running back Montee Ballon survival mode:
3% battery... No charger. It just got real
— Montee Ball (@MonteeBall28) March 27, 2015
Retired NFL punter Chris Kluweon expiration:
Someone just left me a comment on an article I wrote two and a half years ago. I hate to break it to you, buddy, but that ship has sailed.
— Cassandra, Irredeemable Pudgy Nobody (@ChrisWarcraft) March 28, 2015
Oilers left winger Taylor Hallon beating the system:
Knowing where all of the photo radar traps in Edmonton has me like: pic.twitter.com/GXrTAjFe7t
— Taylor Hall (@hallsy09) March 28, 2015
LPGA golfer Christina Kimon #TheStruggle:
Dear Right Nostril,
— Christina Kim (@TheChristinaKim) March 28, 2015
Why you blocking me out? We used to be so open with one another; never kept things from each other #allergies #airplease
Dodgers pitcher Brett Anderson, fashion police:
Whoever ok'd the thick waistband stripe for Adidas college basketball uniforms needs to be fired.
— Brett Anderson (@_BAnderson30_) March 28, 2015