The Chirp

This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:

Orioles pitcher Steve Johnson on homonymy:

Texans running back Arian Fosteron auto-equality:

Connecticut Sun F Chiney Ogwumike and Clippers CDeAndre Jordanon videobombs:

Dolphins wide receiver Kenny Stillsneeds an internet upgrade:

Rams running back Isaiah Peadon what makes a good day:

We’re not quite sure what Rams defensive endChris Longis up to…:

watching the big game on top of the refrigerator is cool, but then you gotta get down— Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE)March 28, 2015

Broncos running back Montee Ballon survival mode:

Retired NFL punter Chris Kluweon expiration:

Oilers left winger Taylor Hallon beating the system:

LPGA golfer Christina Kimon #TheStruggle:

Dodgers pitcher Brett Anderson, fashion police: