The Chirp

This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:

Golfer Martin Kaymer and more on making the most out of weather delays at the Open:

Former NFL kicker Lawrence Tynes on coming up short:

NBA Hall of Famer Magic Johnson on crime and punishment:

Welcome to Hot Takes, with your host,Kyle Lowry:

Almost there,Vick Ballard:

NBA guard Landry Fields on #moms:

Bucs wide receiver Tavarres King on ethics:

Cavs guard Iman Shumpert on #CalendarProblems:

WTA player Maria Sharapova and former NBA guard Tyshawn Tayloron #moods:

And finally, after much deliberation, The Chirp has decided to allow Chris Long’s pun:

You mean to tell me he uploaded this photo to IG on porpoise??? — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) July 17, 2015