The Chirp

This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters … some can:

Athletes — and seemingly everyone else in the world — reacted to the Deflategate ruling:

@nflcommish lmao — ADAm Pacman Jones (@REALPACMAN24) September 3, 2015

Other athletes moved their attention to more pressing issues … like choosing the right #TBT photo:

Former NBA player  Shaquille O’Neal on his dominance as a youngster:

Rockets forward Sam Dekker on the Wolverines losing their season opener:

Former NFL player Chad Johnson on tardiness:

Giants cornerback Prince Amukamara on the benefits of having a great plug:

… did it have anything to do with this tweet?

NFL linebacker Darnell Dockett on the Golden Rule: