The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
WWE star and new UFC fighter CM Punk and more on the Sony hackers:
Where were the hackers when 'Phantom Menace' was released?
— player/coach (@CMPunk) December 18, 2014
Maybe the Sony Hackers can target the next Michael Bay movie and actually accomplish something worthwhile.
— Cassandra, Irredeemable Pudgy Nobody (@ChrisWarcraft) December 17, 2014
Now if they can hit Sallie Mae database & erase that student loan from 1997 i can answer 1-800 numbers w/out worry...
— Chad Johnson (@ochocinco) December 17, 2014
U.S. Women’s soccer forward Alex Morgan on getting the night off:
Game cancelled tonight... #notimpressed pic.twitter.com/9C0aUKial8
— Alex Morgan (@alexmorgan13) December 17, 2014
Rays pitcher Chris Archeron the great money paradox:
Everything is backed by money but money is backed by nothing... Weird.
— Chris Archer (@ChrisArcher22) December 18, 2014
Former Michigan basketball star Jalen Rose on Jim Harbaugh‘s big offer:
Duh...Who doesn't "consider" being paid $49m? #Harbaugh #Hail.
— Jalen Rose (@JalenRose) December 18, 2014
Rams defensive end Chris Longon old-school swag:
Raptors throwback unis are something they never should have abandoned. — Christopher Long (@JOEL9ONE) December 18, 2014
Suns guard Goran Dragic on the NYC commute:
NYC at its best at 1am on Wed. pic.twitter.com/SkFz8DxRFJ
— Goran Dragić (@Goran_Dragic) December 18, 2014
Dream forward Delisha Milton-Jones has a message for one holiday thief:
To the person that busted my back car window to steal 6 pairs of limited edition Iversons and Pumps. ..... you suck!! Ok bye
— Delisha Milton-Jones (@DelishaMJones) December 18, 2014
Tigers pitcher Justin Verlander is exercising his opt-out clause:
.@Uber I used to love you and now your ridiculous surge charges are causing me to take my talents elsewhere. #lyft
— Justin Verlander (@JustinVerlander) December 18, 2014
Bucks guard Kendall Marshallon one of life’s enduring questions:
grey or gray, who knows. — Kendall Marshall (@KButter5) December 17, 2014
PGA golfer Ian Poulter‘s elves are owning Christmas:
It's that time of night again. "Elf on the shelf" set and in place. Kids will love this one. pic.twitter.com/1UGyqURmgn
— Ian Poulter (@IanJamesPoulter) December 18, 2014
Pro Women’s tennis player Madison Keys on her secret to success:
Naps are so important
— Madison Keys (@Madison_Keys) December 18, 2014
Twins pitcher Phil Hughesis having #twitterproblems:
Why are people's tweets I don't follow popping up on my timeline? Anybody know how to shut it off?
— Phil Hughes (@PJHughes45) December 17, 2014