The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
MLB pitcher Brandon Beachy on Notre Dame’s Music City Bowl defense:
Live look at Notre Dame’s defense pic.twitter.com/AQehlrdyzq — Brandon Beachy (@Brandon_Beachy) December 30, 2014
Rams defensive end Chris Long has the cure for your blues:
If I’m having a bad day I just blast “we gonna make it” @Therealkiss guaranteed fix. — Christopher Long (@JOEL9ONE) December 30, 2014
Vodka and ice helps too — Christopher Long (@JOEL9ONE) December 30, 2014
Ohio State alum Brian Hartline and these babies are ready for Bama:
Will be in NOLA in about 36hrs. pic.twitter.com/n4T1Yl6DOS — Brian Hartline (@brianhartline) December 31, 2014
Retired Broncos wide receiver Ed McCaffrey on getting it wrong:
So @ESPN — you keep ID-ing some guy as me and giving him some great airtime but it isn’t me! Seriously. — Ed McCaffrey (@87ed) December 31, 2014
And NHL left winger Paul Bissonnette feels his pain:
When Google spells your name wrong and chirps you in Time Square…. pic.twitter.com/ZWF89hOj9i — Paul Bissonnette (@BizNasty2point0) December 31, 2014
Falcons wide receiver Roddy White‘s son has speed:
My son takes the fastest showers I have ever seen hope he runs that fast when he gets older — Roddy White (@roddywhiteTV) December 31, 2014
Don’t judge LPGA golfer Meredith Duncan:
Yep. Totally just got caught groovin at a red light. Singing and dancing. I have no shame. They didn’t stop me from it. — Meredith Duncan (@Meredith_Duncan) December 31, 2014
Former NBA player DeQuan Joneson pet peeves:
She hate when i eat chips in the bed. — Dequan Jones (@jetjones18) December 31, 2014
The dream’s finally real for Suns forward Marcus Morris:
When u get a bobble head u know you’ve made it lol #foe pic.twitter.com/7MeVMWwefO — Marcus Morris (@MookMorris2) December 30, 2014
Raiders punter Marquette King just wants regular pants:
Tryin to find some regular pants and all stores got out now is joggers. EVERYBODY AINT TRYIN TO WEAR NO JOGGERS! — Marquette King (@MarquetteKing) December 30, 2014
Former NFL wide receiver Chad Johnson has the perfect storm for New Year’s Eve:
Mistletoe as the ball drops will allow you to kiss multiple people in record time… — Chad Johnson (@ochocinco) December 30, 2014
And Women’s tennis player Eugenie Bouchard may not be included:
French onion soup & garlic bread… Someone’s not getting a New Years kiss tonight lol https://t.co/EsFCWOQFr1 — Eugenie Bouchard (@geniebouchard) December 31, 2014
Pistons point guard Brandon Jennings has his own New Year’s Eve plans:
2015. Imma just be like this, reading ppl tweets & IG bout them changing and doing better.pic.twitter.com/O82EbOYlOP— BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings)December 31, 2014
LPGA golfer Sophie Gustafson on her New Year’s Eve workout:
Last run of the year is done! The only work left now is raising the champagne to my gob. Happy New Year my friends!!! — Sophie Gustafson (@SophieGustafson) December 31, 2014
Olympic gymnast McKayla Maroney is counting down:
AHHH pic.twitter.com/yJP3dZaNr1 — McKayla Maroney (@McKaylaMaroney) December 30, 2014