The Chirp: Baltimore
The funeral of Freddie Gray gave way to scenes of protesting and violent unrest on Monday in Baltimore. As the tragic events unfold, athletes from across the sports world are taking to Twitter to react:
Both sides need to do the right thing in Baltimore before innocent people get hurt in numbers… Question is what is right & just?
- Sio Moore (@MrOakTown55) April 27, 2015
NOT saying I agree in any way, shape, or form with the #BaltimoreRiots but, “being peaceful” hasn’t worked..
- Kendall Marshall (@KButter5) April 28, 2
again, riots are WRONG. but you have to understand the frustration and not just point the finger.
- Kendall Marshall (@KButter5) April 28, 2
Baltimore this isn’t the answer!!!
- Torrey Smith (@TorreySmithWR) April 27,
It went from a peaceful protest to damn near a war which isn’t going to do anything but delay progress
- Torrey Smith (@TorreySmithWR) April 27,
Preach Bro”
- Torrey Smith (@TorreySmithWR) April 28,
You need leaders that really want to change things and not just show up for the cameras and leave when they roll out
- Torrey Smith (@TorreySmithWR) April 28,
Violence creates two sides: the aggressors and the oppressed. It creates a divide that only breeds more dissension and more violence.
- Doug Baldwin Jr (@DougBaldwinJr) April 2