The Chirp: National Championship Edition
This is the College Football Playoff National Championship Edition of The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Ohio State head coach Urban Meyer getting some well-deserved love:
I really respect Urban Meyer and his coaching staff. Going through so much adversity at the most important position and still be on top!
— Aaron Williams (@ajwilliams23) January 13, 2015
Congrats to Urban Meyer and Ohio State. Unreal how they have handled adversity this season. #GreatJobUrban
— Al Horford (@Al_Horford) January 13, 2015
Urban Meyer is a genius.. It's called a system.. 3rd string QB looks like Tim Tebow.. Nothing else to say...
— Brandt Snedeker (@BrandtSnedeker) January 13, 2015
Urban Meyer
— Phillip Buchanon (@PhillipBuchanon) January 13, 2015
- Good Recruiter ?
- Game planning ?
- Willing to make adjustments ?
- Respect from the alumni & players ?
- Championships ????
…As is Buckeyes (former 3rd-string) quarterback Cardale Jones:
Cardale Jones is man child
- Kyle Long (@Ky1eLong) January 13, 2015
I know this doesn't matter tonight but everytime I watch Jones (3rd string) all I can think is dang we (LSU) didn't have one this year!
— Ryan Clark (@Realrclark25) January 13, 2015
Having watched zero Ohio state football before last week, you'd struggle to convince me that Ohio State had 2 QBs better than this guy!
— Zach Ertz (@ZERTZ_86) January 13, 2015
I wonder what Ohio State will do with the QB a situation..I don't think Ohio State beats Wisconsin, Alabama or Oregon without 12-gauge at QB
— Harry Douglas (@HDouglas83) January 13, 2015
Colts long snapperMatt Overtonon celebrating:
Guys the yellow ones taste like pineapple! pic.twitter.com/fybRvaf2qL
— Matt Overton (@MattOverton_LS) January 13, 2015
Celtics forward and former BuckeyeJared Sullingeron rubbing it in:
Buckeye basketball plays M!c&ig&@ tomorrow!!!!! Mannnnn timing is everything!!!! ??????
— Jared Sullinger Sr. (@Jared_Sully0) January 13, 2015
Dodgers pitcherBrett Andersonon bro hugs:
I think Chris Christie snuck into Lebron's crew to dish out hugs. pic.twitter.com/wFfwL1QV98
— Brett Anderson (@_BAnderson30_) January 13, 2015
LPGA golfer Angela Stanford on college football’s new era:
Good news for college football....u don't have to be ranked in the top 4 all year to win the National Championship. #love it#playoff
— Angela Stanford (@Angela_Stanford) January 13, 2015
Reds second basemanBrandon Phillipsis hunting Ducks:
#YeaBuddy... Congrats to the National Champions #OSU! Way to bring it home!!! #SALUTE #OATW #DuckHunt pic.twitter.com/yIqgE8iZ6I
— Brandon Phillips (@DatDudeBP) January 13, 2015
Colts offensive linemanAnthony Castonzoon the true national champions:
Boston College beat Virginia Tech who beat Ohio State. Ipso facto, Boston College is National Champion
— Anthony Castonzo (@AnthonyCastonzo) January 13, 2015
Olympic swimmerMissy Franklin is still crushing:
Win or lose... I officially have the biggest crush on Marcus Mariota? #classact
— Missy Franklin Johnson (@missyfranklin) January 13, 2015
PGA golferJohn Dalyhas one takeaway from the big game:
I just can't stop laughing every time see this official! #PapaElf #CFPChampionship pic.twitter.com/uMdz8F9uZ6
— John Daly (@PGA_JohnDaly) January 13, 2015
Giants offensive lineman and former Duck Geoff Schwartzon the Oregon mindset:
Congrats #OhioState. Y’all played better. Deserve to win, wore Oregon down… So close again. Disappointing. #UOvsOSU
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) January 13, 2015
Proud of the effort of the Duckies. This game had nothing to do w/effort. Proud to be a Duck! #GoDucks
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) January 13, 2015
I will say, Ohio State’s team speed surprised me. Had no idea. Oregon is fast, and tOSU ran right with them. #CFBChampionship
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) January 13, 2015
Well no matter how long I want to sulk tonight, the baby will be up at 6:30. He could care less. lol Good Night
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) January 13, 2015
Oh lastly, Thank You Marcus Mariota. Won’t ever see anything like you again in Eugene. It was a great ride. #GoDucks
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) January 13, 2015
Retired NFL offensive linemanDamien Woodyon the fallout:
Jim Harbaugh has some serious catching up to do…..
— Damien Woody (@damienwoody) January 13, 2015