The Chirp: The Oscars Edition
This is The Oscars Edition of The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media in the wake of Sunday night’s Academy Awards. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Dodgers pitcher Brett Anderson on faux humility:
The first person that says "I totally didn't expect this". Should immediately get punched in the face.
— Brett Anderson (@_BAnderson30_) February 23, 2015
Fellow Dodgers pitcherBrandon McCarthyon the male figure:
the Oscar trophy promotes unrealistic male body standards
— Brandon McCarthy (@BMcCarthy32) February 23, 2015
Brett Andersonjust thinking out loud:
Is Kevin Hart shrinking?
— Brett Anderson (@_BAnderson30_) February 23, 2015
PGA golferLuke Donaldon time management:
If they stopped saying the full name of Birdman, they could wrap this show up about an hour early #Oscars
— Luke Donald (@LukeDonald) February 23, 2015
NASCAR driverDanica Patrickon keeping it loose:
I thought oscars were super serious, til the Legos, construction workers, batman, Cowboys, and ..... More Legos came on.
— Danica Patrick (@DanicaPatrick) February 23, 2015
Padres first basemanCody DeckerandBrett Andersonon John Travolta:
Listen, I went out of my way to not tweet about the oscars... But seriously, how terrifying is John Travolta?... Like, really terrifying....
— Cody Decker (@Decker6) February 23, 2015
John Travolta is creeping Wes Anderson out.
— Brett Anderson (@_BAnderson30_) February 23, 2015
Brandon McCarthyon heckling:
it should be the job of the biggest coolest hollywood guy to stand up and yell NERDS when they flash back to the tech awards
— Brandon McCarthy (@BMcCarthy32) February 23, 2015
Former NHL defensemanRyan Whitneyon jealousy:
Men who say they hate Adam Levine are absolute pigeons. Dude has a voice like an angel, and literally beats away Victoria secret models.
— Ryan Whitney (@ryanwhitney6) February 23, 2015
Former NFL offensive tackleWade Smithon getting dissed:
? I'm gonna just let this sit here... Wish him well lol RT @desusnice: oprah gonna have common disappeared for this https://t.co/YLU4XMNMiu
— Wade Smith (@Smitty74allday) February 23, 2015
Brandon McCarthyon shaking things up:
could've lightened the mood (and had one funny joke tonight) if they'd put Jon Lovitz in the people who died reel
— Brandon McCarthy (@BMcCarthy32) February 23, 2015
NFL tight endTom Crabtreeon sequels:
I'm makin a movie called 'Manhood' right now.
— Tom Crabtree (@itsCrab) February 23, 2015
Seahawks punterJon Ryanon “Birdman” winning best picture:
USA USA USA USA USA USA USA chanted no member of the academy ever. American Sniper robbed.
— Jon Ryan (@JonRyan9) February 23, 2015
And some highlights from Rams defensive end Chris Long taking over @PlayersTribune for The Oscars:
Here goes nothing guys. Let's have some fun with this. Gonna skim through all these movies real quick before we get going. @JOEL9ONE #Oscars
— The Players' Tribune (@PlayersTribune) February 23, 2015
Just found out interstellar wasn't nominated for anything but visual effects. Yuck. Do I have to follow through with this? @JOEL9ONE #oscars
— The Players' Tribune (@PlayersTribune) February 23, 2015
There's Rosamund Pike. She seems lovely but somehow I'm still scared shitless of her. @JOEL9ONE #Oscars #GoneGirl
— The Players' Tribune (@PlayersTribune) February 23, 2015
Chris Pratt don't mess up Jurrassic World as it would retroactively ruin my childhood. @JOEL9ONE #Oscars
— The Players' Tribune (@PlayersTribune) February 23, 2015
The Oscars: the night you find out half of Hollywood is actually British. @JOEL9ONE #Oscars
— The Players' Tribune (@PlayersTribune) February 23, 2015
Lady Gaga is evidently working in the kitchen as well tonight #rubbergloves #lysol @JOEL9ONE #Oscars
— The Players' Tribune (@PlayersTribune) February 23, 2015
For the record I'm a big Lady Gaga fan. I'd actually pay to attend her wedding. I bet it's gonna be an interesting time. @JOEL9ONE #Oscars
— The Players' Tribune (@PlayersTribune) February 23, 2015
Michael Keaton is assaulting his chewing gum. High energy guy. @JOEL9ONE #Oscars
— The Players' Tribune (@PlayersTribune) February 23, 2015
And the name of the night goes to sound editor Bub Asman. @JOEL9ONE #Oscars
— The Players' Tribune (@PlayersTribune) February 23, 2015
— The Players' Tribune (@PlayersTribune) February 23, 2015
I'm playing the interstellar soundtrack really loud over this guys acceptance speech. @JOEL9ONE #Oscars
— The Players' Tribune (@PlayersTribune) February 23, 2015
Can't be any flavor left in Keaton's gum. @JOEL9ONE #Oscars
— The Players' Tribune (@PlayersTribune) February 23, 2015
Well that was fun guys. Um... The tweeting part. Thanks for tuning in. @JOEL9ONE #Oscars
— The Players' Tribune (@PlayersTribune) February 23, 2015