The Chirp: Rest in Peace, Stuart Scott
Sportscasting legend Stuart Scott has died at age 49 after a long battle with cancer. Today, the sports world bid farewell to the man that helped so many fall in love with sports as a child. To those who grew up in the ’90s watching SportsCenter with a bowl of cereal in hand, Scott was the voice of the game:
Powerful. #RIPStuartScott pic.twitter.com/ufUXu8StoF
— Marcus Stroman (@STR0) January 4, 2015
The only interview that mattered was the Stuart Scott interview on the last day of the NBA season #RIPStuartScott pic.twitter.com/5ZdDoKz3HG
— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) January 4, 2015
I grew up watching Stuart Scott before heading off to school. When you think ESPN, you think of him. RIP
— Ben Verlander (@Verly32) January 4, 2015
One time for a great one!! Orange County he would call me! #Rip pic.twitter.com/ysJMEAp2yT
— Warren Sapp (@WarrenSapp) January 4, 2015
Through a TV set Stu Scott was an example to me in many ways. Father, passionate, true to himself in face of criticism, fighter! & much more
— Jeremy Guthrie (@TheRealJGuts) January 4, 2015
Blessed to have known him. R.I.P. Stuart Scott you were a gift to all who knew you. pic.twitter.com/N3LSPS6f14
— Richard Sherman (@RSherman_25) January 4, 2015
RIP Stuart Scott you inspired many and changed the way people looked at sports... Forever as cool as the other side of the pillow
— Blake Griffin (@blakegriffin23) January 4, 2015
#StuartScottSayings changed the game #BOOYAH #donthatetheplayerhatethegame R.I.P to a sportscasting Legend
— Kobe Bryant (@kobebryant) January 4, 2015
Every now&then God sends a MAN that stands for right, smart,intelligent,loving,caring,creative&daring .@StuartScott was that man #RIP #Truth
— Deion Sanders (@DeionSanders) January 4, 2015
Stuart Scott was a pillar of my childhood in sports. May he rest in peace Savor and enjoy the now, cause tomorrow isn’t promised #Blessings
- Doug Baldwin Jr (@DougBaldwinJr) January
Son. Brother. Friend. Athlete. Broadcaster. I am all of these..but BEST thing I will EVER be..is Dad 2 my angels. pic.twitter.com/pTnZpcik5W
— Stuart Scott (@StuartScott) June 15, 2014