The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Orioles pitcher Steve Johnson has no shame:
Id be lying if I said I didnt have a few songs from the Josie and the Pussycats soundtrack on my iTunes anddd I just put them in a playlist
— Steve Johnson (@SJohnson831) January 9, 2015
…and neither does Giants punter Steve Weatherford:
Not a lot of dads can make a swagger wagon look cool. I ride dirty, 6 deep in this beast. #TeamWeatherford pic.twitter.com/FD8j9TpUh9
— Steve Weatherford (@Weatherford5) January 9, 2015
Saints wide receiver Kenny Stills on the road not taken:
when there's two lanes to turn and one lanes full why do people insist on getting in the line instead of going to the open lane?
— Kenny Stills (@KSTiLLS) January 10, 2015
Rams defensive end Chris Long will take Door No. 2:
Ever see a doorway and say “I’m good” pic.twitter.com/G7EI6AfDKr
- Christopher Long (@JOEL9ONE) January 9,
Former WNBA player Liz Cambage might be a little too nice:
is it weird for your uber guy to come in to your house and use the toilet…. Twice in one day?
- Elizabeth Cambage (@ecambage) January 10
Former NFL wide receiver Chad Johnson is turning the tables:
So relaxing to be able ride shotgun & force my kids to drive their cars & waste their gas...
— Chad Johnson (@ochocinco) January 10, 2015
LPGA golfer Jessica Korda on date night:
Well since @jdelp is gone.. I'm doing date night with Frankie T ❤️#hibachi #keepingupwithFrankieT @fti_us pic.twitter.com/FgLlXdZ916
— Jessica Korda (@Thejessicakorda) January 10, 2015
Dodgers pitcher Brett Anderson can only dream:
The world needs the awkwardness that would be if Chris Christie and Steve Ballmer supported the same team and sat together.
— Brett Anderson (@_BAnderson30_) January 9, 2015
Retired NFL punter Chris Kluwe has finally made it:
You know you've made it in life when your picture appears as part of a Buzzfeed/Facebook quiz. pic.twitter.com/FMDKQ0qhtq
— Cassandra, Irredeemable Pudgy Nobody (@ChrisWarcraft) January 10, 2015
Former NBA player DeQuan Jones on the struggle:
Wanna eat chips but then I won't be able to hear the TV.
— Dequan Jones (@DequanMJones) January 9, 2015
Raiders punter Marquette King, the answer is, all of them:
If Chuck Norris played football what position would he play?
— Marquette King (@MarquetteKing) January 10, 2015
Pistons forward Anthony Toilliveron the unquestioned highlight of the night:
Greatest shot of all time? Lol. Might be! Unreal! #TrevorBooker http://t.co/lMcWN1bcJq via @espn
— Anthony Tolliver (@ATolliver44) January 10, 2015