The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Patriots cornerback Brandon Browner and more on Kam Chancellor’s insane hops:
@lolojones Kam Chancellor….thoughts? https://t.co/pkCDmyEKL6
- Jeremy Barfield (@BarfontheField) Januar
@Kam_Chancellor bro u going crazy right now
- Brandon Browner (@bbrowner27) January 11
U can bet every special teams coach is looking for a guy who can jump over the top on field goal block now...watch the league ban that tho ?
— Anthony Dixon (@Boobie24Dixon) January 11, 2015
I repeat, Kam Chancellor is fricken freak! I pick him first on my kickball team!
— Chipper Jones (@RealCJ10) January 11, 2015
Got a feeling the pee man is coming for Kam if they advance #MyGoodness
— Damien Woody (@damienwoody) January 11, 2015
Colts punter Pat McAfee on life’s certainties:
Three things are certain in this world.. Death.. Taxes.. And I'd need a new pair of drawls if Beast Mode was running at me ever in life
— Pat McAfee (@PatMcAfeeShow) January 11, 2015
LPGA golfer Christina Kim on Gronk’s bum:
Does Gronk have a T-back tan line? Look closely. Must be where his shorts sit on his uniform, but that's still funny pic.twitter.com/SvfTBHE7zG
— Christina Kim (@TheChristinaKim) January 11, 2015
Padres minor league first baseman Cody Deckeron taking advice:
I always want to take my parents advice. But , then I realize that they raised a degenerate like me. So, why would I take THEIR advice?...
— Cody Decker (@Decker6) January 11, 2015
Rams defensive end Chris Long is theotherRob Lowe:
My cable is out I’m like Rob Lowe right now.
- Christopher Long (@JOEL9ONE) January 10,
Rob Lowe was born right here in Charlottesville, VA. It was meant to be that I would be stuck without cable Divisional Wknd.
- Christopher Long (@JOEL9ONE) January 10,
Nuggets guard Ty Lawson going hard on a Saturday night (is that a Dewrito-tini?):
Saturday night activites.. pic.twitter.com/YFOsPWYxDn
— Ty Lawson (@TyLawson3) January 11, 2015
Former MLB pitcher Dirk Hayhurst is keeping his options open:
Met a CEO of a FedEx division today. She said I should apply as an intern... In other news, I almost killed a CEO of a FedEx chain today...
— Dirk Hayhurst (@TheGarfoose) January 11, 2015
No, seriously, it was kind of her. I might do it if this Starbucks barista gig falls through...
— Dirk Hayhurst (@TheGarfoose) January 11, 2015
Grizzlies guard Tony Allen‘s birthday cake is legit:
Aw let's do it!!!! pic.twitter.com/5xUtXuTOaF
— Tony Allen (@aa000G9) January 11, 2015
Bears offensive lineman Kyle Long is mythbusting:
My cab driver in Dallas is about 4 ft 5 – not everything is bigger in Texas
- Kyle Long (@Ky1eLong) January 11, 2015