The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
NFL defensive endAdam Carrikershould be onShark Tank:
Somebody needs to invent an alarm clock that releases the smell of bacon. #SaturdayKitchen
— Adam Carriker (@AdamCarriker94) January 17, 2015
Rams defensive endChris Longhad game in 1994:
In 94 I used to listen to Green Day and chat with babes in AOL chat rooms.
- Christopher Long (@JOEL9ONE) January 17
If you met a chick in a chat room in 94 how would you even get in touch with her? Give her your landline? Meet me at the matinee of Speed?
- Christopher Long (@JOEL9ONE) January 17,
I wrapped a goosebumps book I had already read and gave it to a chick for Christmas in 94. Pimp tight.
- Christopher Long (@JOEL9ONE) January 17,
Former MLB first basemanKevin Millaron bachelor pads:
Coolest thing at my buddies house #IceCreamFreezer#NeedOne pic.twitter.com/3eiECUGXz4
— Kevin Millar (@KMillar15) January 17, 2015
Former NFL cornerbackPhillip Buchanonon grudges:
Women are like computers. Even your smallest mistakes are stored in memory.
— Phillip Buchanon (@PhillipBuchanon) January 17, 2015
Former NFL wide receiverChad Johnsonon technicalities:
I can't win "Father of the Year" until I have full custody...
— Chad Johnson (@ochocinco) January 17, 2015
Redskins safetyRyan Clark on Uber nightmares:
From now on I'm only ubering in the black car. We got this dude in a Honda civic and he is auditioning for Speed Racer the real life movie!
— Ryan Clark (@Realrclark25) January 17, 2015
Women’s tennis playerAna Ivanovicon preferential treatment:
Can you believe we had to wait in line to meet spongebob :) #kidsday #funday@vika7 @geniebouchard @rogerfederer pic.twitter.com/Mh4bf76TkR
— Ana Ivanovic (@AnaIvanovic) January 17, 2015
LA Sparks guardCandice Wigginsthe meaning of life:
Life's too short to have on a bad outfit. ?
— dana (@candicewiggins) January 16, 2015
Giants offensive lineman Geoff Schwartz on sympathy:
When you're on crutches, everyone wants to tell you "I know how that feels" ... Well I promise you don't.
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) January 17, 2015
Even worse than the crutching (even tho I'm walking now) is ppl telling you their injury stories. "11 yrs ago I broke my little toe" lol
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) January 17, 2015