The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Colts WR T.Y. Hilton and CB Vontae Davis with Pro Bowl Draft smack talk:
IT JUST GOT REAL COLT NATION @vontaedavis #THEGHOST pic.twitter.com/iuu8ilgrcI
— TY Hilton (@TYHilton13) January 22, 2015
It's on TY! I hope you're ready for the clamps @TYHilton13! #TeamIrvin
— Vontae Davis (@vontaedavis) January 22, 2015
We Ain't Got No Worries. Good Luck trying to cover something you can't see ?? @vontaedavis #TeamCarter #THEGHOST
— TY Hilton (@TYHilton13) January 22, 2015
Eagles guard Evan Mathis is “that guy”:
Assigned, aka you got picked last loser. http://t.co/kCreYGJxzM pic.twitter.com/vra8dPAnE4
— Evan Mathis (@EvanMathis69) January 22, 2015
Bills running back Boobie Dixon on over-animation:
Cris Carter facial expressions should have their own emoji's lol
— Anthony Dixon (@Boobie24Dixon) January 22, 2015
Giants offensive lineman Geoff Schwartzon watchability:
Do people watch the pro bowl draft show?
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) January 22, 2015
Rams defensive end Chris Long on a new level of absurdity:
Al Sharpton talking about deflategate on MSNBC. This week has truly spiraled out of control.
- Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) January 21, 2015
Orioles pitcher Steve Johnson on rushing it:
When you open an avocado too early thinking its ripe but it's not and then the pit won't even come out #lunchruined pic.twitter.com/3sOIWwTGzo
— Steve Johnson (@SJohnson831) January 21, 2015
Retired NFL punter Chris Kluwe, try Whole Foods… :
Younger daughter wants Chicken Little stew for dinner. Does anyone know which market supplies faerie tale ingredients?
— Cassandra, Irredeemable Pudgy Nobody (@ChrisWarcraft) January 22, 2015
Former U.S. Softball pitcherJennie Finch on sleeping in style:
You know it's been a good day when a girl falls asleep in her pink cowgirl boots! #MissP ???
— Jennie Finch (@JennieFinch) January 22, 2015
Broncos tight end Julius Thomas on bad timing:
When I want to talk no one wants to answer the phone. As soon as I get busy my phone start blowing up!
— Julius Thomas (@Julius_Thomas) January 22, 2015
Former Saints linebacker Jonathan Vilma on daughter dates:
So much for taking this girl to the basketball game smh… pic.twitter.com/OTBl9XGS50
- Jonathan Vilma (@JonVilma51) January 22,
Padres minor league first baseman Cody Deckeron misunderstandings:
Wait.... "Hump day" just means "Wednesday"?.... Well, that explains the lawsuits....
— Cody Decker (@Decker6) January 21, 2015
Bucks guard Kendall Marshall on awkward moments:
it’s uncomfortable when I hear guys say fleek.
- Kendall Marshall (@KButter5) January 21
Raiders lineback Sio Mooreon determination:
Wanna go to bed but I refuse to until I finish reading this book… Lol goin to get a caramel latte. Idc. By any means. Book gon get READ!
- Sio Moore (@MrOakTown55) January 22, 201
UFC featherweight Conor McGregoron being Conor McGregor:
To the numbers!! pic.twitter.com/tJCdGZIciQ
— Conor McGregor (@TheNotoriousMMA) January 22, 2015