The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Rams defensive end Chris Long on guys he’s dying to party with:
A casket salesman convention at my hotel. Can’t make this shit up. pic.twitter.com/phTWwilMpH
- Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 3, 2015
I think the nice thing about being a casket salesman is no one wants to talk to you about your job.
- Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 3, 2015
My buddies @ the casket salesman convention have a sick buffet + beer spread today @ the beach. they’re listening to “im sexy and I know it”
- Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 3, 2015
Relax, everybody, Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski is still alive:
Sleeping in airport. Trying to make it home for a parade. #PatsNation pic.twitter.com/juQlmDVump
— Rob Gronkowski (@RobGronkowski) February 3, 2015
Giants offensive lineman Geoff Schwartz on antiquated practices:
#NationalSigningDay is here which means fax machines around the country are being turned on for the first time since last signing day.
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) February 4, 2015
Blazers center Robin Lopez, welcome back:
I'm a vampire or in a Gaga video and don't know it. Either way good to be back with the guys! #NeverSayDie #RIPCITY pic.twitter.com/7CrGo5oylz
— Robin Lopez (@rolopez42) February 4, 2015
Raiders punter Marquette King with #RandomThoughts:
I just think its so sad that parallel lines will never meet.
— Marquette King (@MarquetteKing) February 4, 2015
When u try n be nice to ur dog n let him lay in bed with u and he has the nerve to cut one right in ur face... How do you get him back?
— Marquette King (@MarquetteKing) February 4, 2015
The world would be a better place if mario cart was a multiplayer app.
— Marquette King (@MarquetteKing) February 4, 2015
Women’s tennis player Alison Riske on autocorrect:
sweet ma just got iphone & no longer spells my name right or makes any sense #blameditonvoicemessage #iloveu2SPACE ? pic.twitter.com/utGOvch63u
— Alison Riske-Amritraj???? (@Riske4rewards) February 4, 2015
Colts linebacker Shaun Phillips should always wear his helmet:
Being tall has its disadvantages walking in the rain. For example getting hit in the face with people umbrellas.
— Shaun Phillips (@ShaunPhillips95) February 4, 2015
U.S. Women’s Soccer player Kristie Mewis is snowed in:
Two things I refuse to remove. My pats hat and the snow on my car. http://t.co/llxcSVC2f2 pic.twitter.com/IjT3VVf4gU
— Kristie Mewis (@KristieMewie) February 4, 2015
Broncos tight end Julius Thomas with a Public Service Announcement:
This day is dedicated to dental hygiene for me. Encouraging everybody to take care of your teeth.
— Julius Thomas (@Julius_Thomas) February 3, 2015