The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Rams defensive end Chris Long on random (and unnecessary) drug testing:
The NFL has tested me twice in 5 days for steroids. I’m flattered but I owe my physique to a steady diet of 8 minute abs and the Nordic trac
- Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 10, 2015
I did eat a Jaguar when I was in Mexico. It’s not steroids per se but it helps.
- Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 10, 2015
When the tester walks into my apartment I like to be hanging upside down from my pull-up bar w Pumping Iron playing on a projector screen.
- Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 10, 2015
After they’ve taken my sample I tell them “you are welcome in my dojo anytime.”
- Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 10, 2015
Usually when the tester walks in and sees my pecs he says into his radio “he’s all natural.”
- Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 10, 2015
Orioles pitcherSteve Johnsonon arriving at Spring Training:
What up Sarasota?! I finally made it! "We're there" pic.twitter.com/RqTbEtKpxq
— Steve Johnson (@SJohnson831) February 10, 2015
Rockies pitcherJohn Axfordand more onThe Bachelor:
Prerequisites for talking to the camera on #TheBachelor:
— John Axford (@JohnAxford) February 10, 2015
1. Insecurity
2. Crying
3. Craziness
4. Talking S**t
5. Unrealistic expectations
If I were Chris I'd throw a rose off one of those cliffs & see which one jumps off. Let them put those masters degrees to work #TheBachelor
— Matt Overton (@MattOverton_LS) February 10, 2015
Just sending a random tweet to distract me from my discomfort caused by this episode of the Bachelor.
— Anthony Castonzo (@AnthonyCastonzo) February 10, 2015
Former NFL linebackerScott Shanleon what he would watch:
A reality TV show that tracks down social media tough guys with a confrontation. There you go @SpikeTV .I would watch! Lol
— Scott Shanle (@scottshanle) February 9, 2015
Lions tight endJoseph Fauria flexing his Urban Dictionary muscles:
S/O to hip-hop culture for giving me great words to use over the years. Ridin dirty in my whip on dubs w/ bling bling with bae cuz Yolo.
- Joseph Fauria (@BigJoeFauria) February 9
Texans running backArian Fosteron expanding genres:
A while back I got handed a mixtape. Dude made an entire hip hop accordion project. I listened to every song.
— feeno (@ArianFoster) February 9, 2015
Not my cup of tea. But the balls you have to have to make an entire rap album made with an accordion? I respect it.
— feeno (@ArianFoster) February 9, 2015
Joseph Fauria is still going…:
So turnt because my vocabulary is on Fleek! Swag swag
- Joseph Fauria (@BigJoeFauria) February 9
Tigers pitcherDavid Priceon exotic foods:
What appetizer is this?! pic.twitter.com/RIa6se0vvN
— David Price (@DAVIDprice24) February 9, 2015
Dolphins defensive linemanJared Odrickon growing up fast:
I honestly don’t remember ever being in a car seat. These kids nowadays are so soft. I went from womb to shotgun.
— Jared Odrick (@JaredOdrick) February 9, 2015
Raptors swingmanLandry Fieldsconfirming myths:
A Raptor's staff member dropped his keys in the small gap you step over when exiting an elevator. So yes, it's possible.
— Landry Fields (@landryfields) February 9, 2015
Dodgers pitcherBrandon McCarthyand Blue Jays 3BJosh Donaldsonwith some friendly smack talk:
@BringerOfRain20 remind me when I see you again to beat you mercilessly at golf
— Brandon McCarthy (@BMcCarthy32) February 10, 2015
@BMcCarthy32 guarantee you haven't posted a lower score than I have this offseason.
— Josh Donaldson (@BringerOfRain20) February 10, 2015
@BringerOfRain20 if you shot lower than a 67 then your cheating has improved
— Brandon McCarthy (@BMcCarthy32) February 10, 2015
@BMcCarthy32 haha I play the ball down son. You may be able to hit the ball as far as me but my superior athleticism trumps your mediocrity
— Josh Donaldson (@BringerOfRain20) February 10, 2015
@BMcCarthy32 here's the front side. pic.twitter.com/Ndpmrr2HQH
— Josh Donaldson (@BringerOfRain20) February 10, 2015
@BMcCarthy32 here's the back and overall! Step your game up son. pic.twitter.com/haFo4P993Y
— Josh Donaldson (@BringerOfRain20) February 10, 2015
@chrischan_16 @BringerOfRain20 yes. it's 6300 yds. That's like bowling with bumpers instead of gutters
— Brandon McCarthy (@BMcCarthy32) February 10, 2015
Tulsa Shock point guardSkylar Digginson the beauty of Twitter:
I'm thinking out loud...
— Skylar Diggins-Smith (@SkyDigg4) February 10, 2015