The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Seahawks punter Jon Ryan on the grieving process:
I just tweeted. I think I'm moving forward in the stages of grief. Stage 5 is acceptance followed by the new stage 6 which is tweeting.
— Jon Ryan (@JonRyan9) February 11, 2015
Giants offensive linemanGeoff Schwartzon acartohygieiophobia:
I have a fear of running out of toilet paper so when I get to under 4 rolls left, I go in the morning to get more. I'm weird.
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) February 11, 2015
Athletics outfielderJosh Reddickon misprints:
Never knew I was such a good pitcher. 1370 wins in my first 5 years?! I better be a Hall Of Famer 1st ballot. pic.twitter.com/pPnNF1LRZ8
— Josh Reddick (@RealJoshReddick) February 11, 2015
Padres first basemanCody Deckeron experimenting:
Life altering decision: I think I'm gonna start walking around with a championship belt everywhere... And just see what happens.....
— Cody Decker (@Decker6) February 11, 2015
Thunder forwardKevin Durantis going back to school:
I’m going to work over here…#LawSchoolGrind #IGotMyReasons pic.twitter.com/t6YLd5wSXl
— Kevin Durant (@KDTrey5) February 10, 2015
Twins pitcherPhil Hugheson marketing strategy:
Buick's marketing campaign. "You're used to us being trash, but hey, we're not THAT bad."
— Phil Hughes (@PJHughes45) February 11, 2015
Bears offensive linemanKyle Longhas a tail:
Being followed by a large man %HeLooksHungry pic.twitter.com/zMl4OZ3gkl
- Kyle (@Ky1eLong) February 11, 2015
Women’s tennis playerVictoria Azarenkaon the lost and the found:
I love that moment when you looking for ur phone very close to freak out state of mind and then u find it.... In ur pocket ???good one V ?
— victoria azarenka (@vika7) February 11, 2015
Jon Ryanon antiques:
This restaurant has a rotary phone. Come on LA try to keep up, the world is moving on without u. pic.twitter.com/vZ3ZNHcS3q
— Jon Ryan (@JonRyan9) February 11, 2015
Raptors forwardPatrick Pattersonon delivery:
Would honestly pay someone to get me chipotle right now.. #lazy
— Patrick Patterson (@pdpatt) February 10, 2015
Tom Crabtreeon eating out:
Im definitely on one of those Dateline "What Would You Do" episodes right now at Chilis. "What would you do if ur appetizers took an hour?"
— Tom Crabtree (@itsCrab) February 11, 2015
Ordered 3 apps. Just received one. Boy i can't wait for the other two. And then my meal in another hour. Maybe dessert tomorrow.
— Tom Crabtree (@itsCrab) February 11, 2015
Don't these assholes know i was a 4th string tight end? @Chilis
— Tom Crabtree (@itsCrab) February 11, 2015
Not even the waiters fault. He doesn't have anything to bring us. I bet the chef died.
— Tom Crabtree (@itsCrab) February 11, 2015
My kids started with kids menus. They'll end their stay at @Chilis all grown up at the bar.
— Tom Crabtree (@itsCrab) February 11, 2015
Just took my kids to the car. Never saw our dinner.
— Tom Crabtree (@itsCrab) February 11, 2015
.@Chilis Olive Garden would never treat me like this.
— Tom Crabtree (@itsCrab) February 11, 2015
@Chilis Gladly
— Tom Crabtree (@itsCrab) February 11, 2015
.@Chilis Thanks for following up. Hope the issue is fixed. My son loves your pizza. ?
— Tom Crabtree (@itsCrab) February 11, 2015