The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Giants offensive lineman Geoff Schwartz on snow days:
Ok so freezing rain tonight, high of 41 tomorrow, then lower next two days. My driveway doesn’t get much sunlight. Should I salt?
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) February 17, 2015
Everyone is saying to salt but it’s so cold. I’ll man up and do it
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) February 17, 2015
The roads here are iced over and I didn’t buy any bread yesterday. I’m screwed
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) February 17, 2015
Grizzlies guardTony Allenon braving the elements:
Took the garbage out earlier, I thought I was in the Movie The day after tomorrow. Hopefully the weather got better??
— Tony Allen (@aa000G9) February 17, 2015
Athletics pitcherSean Doolittleon sweet therapy:
My trainer gave me these? He said something about them helping my shoulder? I don’t know. Worth a shot I guess. pic.twitter.com/sMbawhlQTO
- Sean Doolittle (@whatwouldDOOdo) Februar
Seahawks punterJon Ryanon wedding planning:
It's hard planning a wedding w/ @sarahcolonna when so far her two requests are to walk down the aisle to T.I. and have Liam Neeson officiate
— Jon Ryan (@JonRyan9) February 17, 2015
I should really live tweet our wedding plan conversations.
— Jon Ryan (@JonRyan9) February 17, 2015
Does anyone know if Liam Neeson has a twitter account? @sarahcolonna and I have a favor to ask of him...apparently.
— Jon Ryan (@JonRyan9) February 17, 2015
Women’s tennis playerVictoria Azarenkanailed it:
Totally rocked lyp syncing to @onedirection ??? pic.twitter.com/PnFXJeuSM7
— victoria azarenka (@vika7) February 16, 2015
Rams defensive endChris Longon online dating:
Farmers only commercial is either the corniest of the year or intentional and a masterpiece. “where are all the country girls?!”
- Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 16, 2015
Dude walked into a secluded pool hall at like 6 o’clock looking for “all the country girls” His awareness is in question.
- Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 17, 2015
Colts running backVick Ballard on convertible hearses:
When you die without life insurance. pic.twitter.com/eHof183p66
— Vick Ballard (@VickBallard) February 16, 2015
Blazers centerMeyers Leonardon making it count:
You wouldn't believe the effort I put in to make sure I only take one trip from the car with my groceries. Any more is unacceptable
— Meyers Leonard (@MeyersLeonard) February 17, 2015
LPGA golferBreanna Elliotton doggy diapers:
My poor baby! #nappyrash #thattimeofmonth #celene pic.twitter.com/IQCLlHLCaw
— Breanna Elliott (@ElliottBre) February 16, 2015
Eagles safetyChris Maragoson Mrs. Right:
I walk into my living room and my wife is watching WWE by herself... I then more than ever realize I've married the right woman. #winning
— Chris Maragos (@ChrisMaragos) February 17, 2015
Former WWE superstarDwayne Johnsonon #SNL memories:
Best part of this classic was my fake ear falling off as I humped Will Ferrell's leg. #PowerHump #PapaPeepers #SNL40 pic.twitter.com/AMhLRmQuIs
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) February 16, 2015
Giants wide receiverRamses Bardenon illegal stretching:
Someone called Police on me today because I was doing Yoga on the roof. #myLife
— Ramses Barden (@RamsesSHINES) February 17, 2015