The Chirp
Mariota will win Heisman this w/e but Amari Cooper is by far the best player in college football! If I'm picking (Titans) I'd take AC
— Derrick Mason (@deemason85) December 12, 2014
NBA D-League guard Doron Lambon mobile Christmas lights:
He went hard lol pic.twitter.com/HvEAoam1x0
— Doron Lamb (@DLamb20) December 11, 2014
Seahawks wide receiverDoug Baldwinon potentially life-altering events:
What if Chipotle delivered…
- Doug Baldwin Jr (@DougBaldwinJr) Decembe
Raptors forward Patrick Pattersonon spoiled Floridians:
Loving how ppl in Miami complain bout it being cold.. They don't know what "cold" is..
— Patrick Patterson (@pdpatt) December 11, 2014
Olympic snowboarderShaun Whiteon pointless props:
But it's not even raining #nonsensicalphotoshoot #TBT pic.twitter.com/vpbgHDQnl1
— Shaun White (@shaunwhite) December 11, 2014
Former NFL linebackerTakeo Spikes, please power down:
That moment when the passenger beside you looks at your phone when they announce over the intercom to turn your phone on airplane mode. ????
— Takeo Spikes, M.B.A (@TakeoSpikes51) December 12, 2014
Women’s tennis starMaria Sharapovaon Christmas surprises:
Finding the right Christmas tree in the dark is exhausting. I have no idea what's about to be delivered. #problems
— Maria Sharapova (@MariaSharapova) December 12, 2014
PGA golferIan Poultermight be taking the Elf on a Shelf a bit too far:
Last few nights of "Elf on the Shelf" hahhaha pic.twitter.com/oFi38gFBTy
— Ian Poulter (@IanJamesPoulter) December 12, 2014
Former NFL linebacker Aaron Curry will have to settle for Honor Roll:
made my first "B" on one of my grad course assignments. I'm destroyed. im an "A" student. I call for a recount
— Aaron Curry M.Ed. (@AaronCurry51) December 11, 2014
NASCAR driversJamie McMurrayandJeff Gordonwith some #TBT:
I have never done #TBT but I thought this was a good one. 1986 Garnett, KS w another karter Chris Larson pic.twitter.com/pLANaCe0cH
— Jamie McMurray (@jamiemcmurray) December 12, 2014
1977. Winning Western States Championship. #ThrowbackThursday #TBT #Team24 pic.twitter.com/fvqpmbJ7lQ
— Jeff Gordon (@JeffGordonWeb) December 11, 2014
And Olympic gymnastJordyn Wieberwith a #TBT of her own:
#Tbt always keeping it classy ? http://t.co/7YK8uxMOTv pic.twitter.com/Q1YvYNurnV
— Jordyn Wieber (@jordyn_wieber) December 12, 2014
Cardinals defensive linemanDarnell Dockett‘s Twitter confessional:
I worked at a grocery store when I was 16 for one week, it was cool for a minute but the money was to slow for me. So I quit!
— DARNELL DOCKETT (@ddockett) December 12, 2014
I might be the only person in the world to get suspended in the kindergarten.. Smfh. I stuck a girl in the back with a safety pin.?
— DARNELL DOCKETT (@ddockett) December 12, 2014
I got chased by a police officer for stealing a car when I was 14, I burnt his ass lol
— DARNELL DOCKETT (@ddockett) December 12, 2014
????? foot race through the projects. #iwin
After football Im gonna be the next Dan Bilzerian... He's my idol.
— DARNELL DOCKETT (@ddockett) December 12, 2014